Friday, August 14, 2015

Pledge Week 5: Habit Formation Myth

Times eaten fast food this week = 0
Total pledge amount this week = $35 (7 days * $5)
Total pledge amount to date = $170
Funds raised to date = $1395


So in Week 1, I alluded to the concept of habit formation and 3 weeks being the ideal number for someone to develop a habit if they did that habit every day during that time.

Well I finally Googled it this week in preparation for this post and realized that I was wrong... Very wrong...

(Photo credit:

To be fair, there was an initial theory by Maxwell Maltz with research that showed you could form a habit within 3 weeks... But that was in the 1950s...

There has since been several other studies showing that it can be significantly longer and there really isn't an agreed upon length of time to form a permanent habit. The 3 weeks could develop the habit, but if it is not kept up for longer, there is a significantly likelihood of relapse.

Instead, it seems the best way to approach changes is to make a concerted effort to implement and carry out changes that are easy enough for you to do every single day. The following article on Forbes really lays out the process and the different stages (honeymoon, fight thru, second nature) that he has identified. Pretty decent and short article. So I stand corrected...

The week itself was otherwise very good. I again was able to resist temptations and make healthier choices despite stress, convenience and other factors. It's surprisingly easier to set good habits, as expected... haha

I should also be furniture shopping soon and all work is done except paint! So hopefully once source of stress and frustration goes away very, very soon!!!

(Photo credit:

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