Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pledge Week 8 and 9: The Setback

Times eaten fast food this week = 2
Total pledge amount this week = $80 (12 days * $5, 2 days * $20)
Total pledge amount to date = $325
Funds raised to date = $1620


Things have become a mess. I've made some terrible life decisions and now EVERYTHING is thrown off...

I started off last week really strong! While I didn't get a really long bike ride in, I did get on my trainer for several hours and I played a full day of baseball on Sunday. It was a very active weekend. Tuesday I even did exceptionally well and ran my 20 miles, a new PR and well ahead of my training plan. I even decided to give up alcohol until the big day and was able to avoid it during a potluck I hosted for my softball team on Wednesday!

Then Cupertino called and it all when downhill, crashing and burning...

(Photo credit: http://memegenerator.net/instance/61272043)

I suddenly had to make a last minute trip up north to Cupertino, interrupting my training and dieting. It even interrupted my blog writing schedule (hence why I'm posting a double week summary, mid-second week). It wasn't the worse as I found time to make it to the gym and get on the treadmill. But my diet was decent, but definitely not desired.

Then the big windfall happened... A good friend of mine had a bachelor party and well, the FOMO was definitely apparent...

(Photo credit: http://memegenerator.net/instance/51754801?urlName=The-Force-Is-Strong-In-This-One&browsingOrder=New&browsingTimeSpan=AllTime)

The first night was pretty decent. After arriving to Vegas late and having a steak at TGIF with my parents, I made it to meet up with the boys. I resisted for a couple hours, but eventually I succumbed and had ONE Guinness the entire night. So night one wasn't terrible. Then the windfall happened. We headed to the pool for some day drinking and I just wasn't able to not drink and not be fun. And that lack of will continued later in the day at the tables. It subsided for a brief few hours when we watched a UFC fight and the guys were drinking Miller Lite, but it continued later at the tables and bars following.

The next day, it absolutely continued again at the pool and again at the tables (can you see a theme here?). It even continued into dinner where we went to Carnevino, had a $500 meal and a $200 bottle of wine. So I mean naturally I knew we would split everything and not having a glass of wine was going to be an expensive and silly choice (because it was pretty damn good wine). Then we went to the tables one last time before going to the club. The club ended up as one of the least drinking times of the day because we had one drink before going in and didn't want to leave our spot in pool, meaning no return trips to the bar...

All in all, I came back Monday just absolutely gassed. I napped instead of riding on my bike or even walking around the Fiesta Hermosa mini-carnival that bookends the Cali summers down here. It was such a waste of a holiday weekend from a training standpoint. And to top it off, I had some pizza and then McDonald's on some of the travel days. Aye...

Well shit happened and now it's time to move on!

(Photo credit: https://www.pinterest.com/tcolebrunton/memes/)

I got on the trainer this morning since I wasn't able to wake up early enough for a long run. But I do have plans to get the full long run in later tonight. If that happens, it'll be a great start to the final 8+ weeks of training! Just keep swimming!!!

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