Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pledge Week 13: Peer Pressure

Times eaten fast food this week = 1
Total pledge amount this week = $40 (6 days * $5, 1 day * $10)
Total pledge amount to date = $470 ($250 contributed to date)
Funds raised to date = $2600


Just under 30 days until Race Day now!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh

Also just $400 from my fundraising goal with 13 days remaining!!! Thanks so much to everyone who has already donated!!!

Now to the topic at hand, the one I'm sure most readers are curious about... I cheated once this week... Twice if you count me having a beer :(

The fast food indiscretion occurred on Monday. I had just had a VERY productive weekend including a 5.5 hour brick on Saturday and then another 2 hour spin on Sunday. It was just a really solid weekend training-wise. Then Monday rolled around and my friend/co-worker Christy had a birthday... Her birthday surprise was a visit from Lauren which meant she was bringing some lunch to the office. Sadly, I had not brought lunch because we had no leftovers and I had no turkey meatballs. So naturally, when we got the call that surprise Cafe Rio was on the way, I just couldn't pass it up... And I cheated...

(Photo credit:

In addition to the Cafe Rio, I just came home from having dinner at my best friend Phil's house. The weather outside was 95° at the beach. We were dying despite being indoors. Baseball was on. Brats were cooking on the stove. And so I succumbed and had a beer. It was just one beer, but I've been trying to kick it for the time being. With the marathon a couple days away and the Ironman just so close, I probably shouldn't have, but it isn't the worst thing.

(Photo credit:

The good news is that I did avoid drinking beer (particularly binge drinking it) whilst at the USC tailgate on Thursday. I also got in a GREAT half marathon run on Tuesday, setting a PR in the process. And I even got in a pretty good sized brick on Thursday morning before work. This last one in particular has my legs feeling a little sore right now, so hopefully a nice little recovery run on Saturday will get me fresh for Sunday's marathon.

I'm both nervous and excited for the Long Beach Marathon. It's going to be a grind getting all 26.2 miles. But I feel confident that I'm ready and hopeful that I can do pretty well despite what is supposed to be a 90° type of day. I'll have to stay strong, hydrated, full of electrolytes and just focus!

(Photo credit:

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