Monday, August 17, 2015

Cheating for the First Time... The Horror, The Horror!!!

(Photo credit:

It's official... Just a day after I posted the article about forming habits and making lifelong changes, I regressed and had some fast food...

I do want to say that it wasn't completely my fault for the regression, but I didn't do enough to avoid it. A friend had accompanied me to do some furniture shopping this past Saturday. We had just finished about 2.5 hours of window shopping and were gearing up for another hour or so. It just so happened that Chick-fil-A was on the way between the two shops we were heading to and, when I asked her what she wanted to eat, she immediately said Chick-fil-A. My only attempt to dissuade her was a simple "Are you sure that's what you want? We can go anywhere, my treat." And alas, she said "No, Chick-fil-A is perfectly fine."

So there it is. I didn't fight back any harder and fast food was had by us. I tried to make the decision better by having the grilled chicken sandwich, but I definitely still enjoyed the delicious waffle fries!

(Photo credit:

After eating it though, I think I will have much more resolve going forward. While I did enjoy the indulgence, I did realize that the awesome and happy feeling I used to have after eating fast food has now become more of a lethargic and lazy feeling that doesn't seem to be as fulfilling as it used to. And so I think even after the challenge and the Ironman, the likelihood is that fast food will become a rare treat rather than a common occurrence! That may be bad for my brokerage accounts, but I think my health will be much improved going forward! And that's what counts!

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