Friday, August 21, 2015

Pledge Week 6: Back to Good but Not Out of the Woods

Times eaten fast food this week = 1
Total pledge amount this week = $35 (7 days * $5)
Total pledge amount to date = $205
Funds raised to date = $1395


As recounted a couple posts ago, I finally cheated... In short, it was an unfortunate circumstance and I couldn't do much to avoid the discretion. So after 35 days, some long, some short, I succumbed to the temptation (kind of).

But after the one cheat meal, one that wasn't all that terrible, things got back to good!

(Photo credit:

I found that this week I didn't really feel a desire to cheat and have fast food. And that's progress! It's almost as if going without it for so long made me realize that it's not as good as I had perceived. And then when I satisfied the craving, it definitely did not live up to expectations.

But as I write this post, I lay in my parent's house in Vegas. This place, this environment is akin to standing just inside a dark cave, waiting to confront the mythical, fire-breathing dragon.

(Photo credit:

Old habits die hard. And old environments are where temptation comes to smack you upside the head and get you to eat that apple. Or at least that's what I believe.

As a young kid and a teenager, I grew up in a household with two hard working parents. Both of my parents worked hard to give us a roof over our heads and put food on the table. But what that often entails is working long hours and doing whatever it takes to make things work. I'm so grateful for everything they have done for me. But from a meals standpoint, that just meant little to no time to actually cook. It also didn't help that neither of my parents did a lot of cooking in their lives.

So what did this mean? It meant that we ate like a lot of these types of families in the 90s and 2000s. That primarily included prepackaged frozen foods and fast food. The prepackaged stuff included classic staples like Hot Pockets and Bagel Bites to Top Ramen and Canned Corned Beef Hash.

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This stuff was pretty easy to kick by the time I was an adult. More access to articles on healthy eating and research in addition to positive influences by SoCal friends made me realize how bad some of these childhood staples were. So kicking them out of the freezer was an easy decision which I've never looked back from.

But fast food... That's just another story... I mean it's SOOOO CONVENIENT and when you eat it often, it starts to taste SOOOO DELICIOUS!

Anyway, the most difficult part about making a change is going back to an old environment. Because all the old temptations reside there. The new environment whether it be a road bike or the favorite running path are nowhere near. The family members who no longer live with you everyday are suddenly around at all hours. And all the old habits of "I'm running to Jacks do you want something?" or "Can we stop by McDonalds on the way home?" start to come up. It takes a lot of will power to avoid having relapses in moments like this.

My first opportunity today was leaving the airport. I had just come off a flight with horrible turbulence and no snacks served (and silly me didn't bring any). So as my sister pulled up and asked "are you hungry?" and "where do you wanna eat?" some old habits creeped in. Thoughts of delicious, fatty, tasty McDonalds came to mind. But I stayed strong and suggested Chipotle and she obliged.

But I think these next two days are gonna be tough with my parents around and their bad habits... I hope I can similarly stay strong...

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