Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mother Nature... Grrrrrrrrr!!!

Oh weather...

(Photo credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bxqq0/was_in_a_hitty_mood_when_i_got_my_hair_cut_and/)

In California, we don't really like "weather". Our idea of weather is 72° and sunny...

(Photo credit: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/printthread.php?t=149158443&pp=50&page=2)

Some might say we're spoiled or whatever, but I say we're smart. We chose to live in this great state (and particularly Southern California) where we don't have to endure highs and lows every year. Where snow is foreign and something you drive to so you can carve down a mountain. Blazing, debilitating and dry heat is something we hope doesn't hit us, but yet we know that we will inevitably experience it at least a few days a year (but never as bad as Arizona or Vegas).

But the weather most Californian's really want to avoid is the rain...

(Photo credit: http://memecrunch.com/meme/EFKS/socal-rain)

Rain is probably the most annoying type of weather that can hit. It's not weather that prevents you from really living your life. I mean you're not snowed in and it's definitely not too hot to walk a block outside. All rain really does is complicate your life.

(Photo credit: http://pikdit.com/i/i-was-involved-in-a-wreck-today-i-just-dont-get-it/)

And the reason it gets complicated is that you just have to change from your normal routine. And for us in California, that's a big deal. Because year round, the weather is great. So I don't even check the weather channel or look at a weather app or even think about whether or not I'll need a coat. So when it actually rains, you gotta do things like close your windows at home, close the car windows when you park, grab some water resistant shoes, bring a jacket or umbrella and basically just prepare yourself.

(Photo credit: http://memegenerator.net/instance/57069548)

But all that being said, the real reason I've hated the rain lately is that it prevents me from doing most of the things I want to do or, at the very least, makes it much more difficult and uncomfortable to do them. And when you're training for an Ironman, it becomes really crappy. Today I had hoped to do my typical Tuesday long run. 24 miles was my plan... and those plans fell apart. It didn't help that I passed out on the couch last night and felt groggy and crappy in the morning. But still, the rain was a limiting factor in pushing thru and getting in the long run... Luckily, I'm way ahead of my plan from a running stand point and with 2 more weekends of races ahead of me, it isn't terrible to put the really long runs on the back burner for a bit.

So rather than run in the rain, get squishy shoes and just be miserable for 5 hours, I decided to stay indoors. I went to 24 Hour Fitness and did an indoor brick of spinning for 1.5 hours and running for another 0.5 hour.

But the interesting part of this decision was that I saw an older gentleman also spinning. When he finished and stepped off the spinner, I noticed that he had a pretty sweet Ironman tattoo on his left calf. It was all the disciplines, the Ironman logo and 140.6 underneath. Naturally, I kindly stopped him and chatted him up when he was done. He's a middle aged guy and has done many triathlons but has also done 2 Ironman races (Arizona and Florida) and is going for his third (Chattanooga) in a few weeks. He was nice enough to chat with me, give me some tips and then get back to his indoor brick. So I guess you can say that fate kinda worked it all out and hopefully I got more prepared for my race in a different way! :D

Anyway, there is one great thing about the rain...

(Photo credit: http://redcrosschat.org/2014/02/27/raindrops-keep-falling-on-my-head/#sthash.yfbY1qrS.dpbs)

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