Thursday, September 10, 2015

Paving the Road to IM FL 2015

Just over 8 weeks left to go and the calendar is set and I'm counting down to Ironman Florida 2015! The road is littered with the following races:

Lake Castaic Sprint Triathlon Series 2 - Sat 9/12
Nautica Malibu International Distance Triathlon - Sat 9/19
Ironman 70.3 Coronado Superfrog - Sun 9/27
Jet Blue Long Beach Marathon - Sun 10/11
Ironman Florida - Sat 11/7

(All logos owned by the respective races)

It's going to be a trying couple of months with some big milestones! Hopefully some PRs too! But mostly just praying to avoid injury...

This coming week starts with a relatively easy sprint at Lake Castaic. This is also known as the Mark Nakamaru Invitational race amongst our small group as this is typically one of the only triathlons he does each year. The biggest challenge will be the heat as it is inland in Valencia.

Next up the following week is the Malibu International distance. This distance is strange, but the intent is to be close to an Olympic distance triathlon. I haven't done this one before, but everyone says it's quite the spectacle and it's definitely a big one in LA.

Following that, my last 3-in-3-weeks race is my first Ironman sponsored event, Superfrog 70.3. This race was crafted by the Navy and became and endurance sport spectacle. The course is supposed to be fast and flat, very similar to IM FL just half the distance. The goal here isn't to win anything, but to get the experience of the longer distances and doing loops on a course as well as checking out my nutrition. I also saw this as a good way to ramp up my bike miles rather than going from 0 to 100 in a weekend.

I'll then be taking a couple weeks off from racing before attempting the Long Beach marathon. This will definitely be the biggest challenge of them all. I'm actually more scared for this than I am for Superfrog. Go figure...

And then after another 2 weeks off from racing (but not training), I'll head down to Panama City Beach, Florida for Ironman Florida!

It's gonna be a crazy couple of months but here we go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! You're a baller! Mark Nakamaru Invitation, haha.
